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Thread Focusrite 2i4 1st Gen, Windows 10, stuttering and audio dropouts

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Focusrite 2i4 1st Gen, Windows 10, stuttering and audio dropouts
Hi, for the past two days I've been struggling with getting this interface to work. I am unable to play a full audio track without any drop outs or stuttering during playback. Sometimes there's cracking, popping noises for no apparent reason. Tried different audio players, it doesn't fix it. I don't see a clear pattern to how and when these issues occus, it seems completely random.

I am running the latest driver that I downloaded from the Focusrite official web page. "focusrite-usb-2-driver-2.5.1.exe"
I found a thread with a link to this file "Focusrite USB 2 Driver-2.5.2.exe", but it made no difference. I even tried beta drivers "FocusriteUSBInstaller" still didn't fix the issue.

I am using an Asus G551JW laptop, it has 3 USB 3.0 ports, tried them all - no fix. It doesn't have any USB 2.0 ports that I can try. I am on Windows 10.

Any suggestions how to fix this?

[ Post last edited on 02/22/2017 at 02:25:52 ]

Hi Ivan,

Sorry to hear of the issues you are having as well as the delay in me seeing your post, but I wish to help get this behavior resolved for you!

This behavior could be DPC Latency related.

Since Windows is not a "real-time" operating system it issues Procedure Calls in which drivers are given a chance to execute and do their jobs. If drivers are out of date or if components are not functioning well within the system, the execution times of the drivers can be too long and prevent other drivers from having the ability to do their job.

Lets run all the following Optimization Steps in our recommended guide:

Next can you download this program, LatencyMon, and run it while making sure to actually replicate the problem.

Please then go to the Drivers Tab, sort by Highest Execution, with the highest on top, and post a Screenshot of that page.

We can also try another driver as well!

To do this, please uninstall the Focusrite Driver, from your Programs List in Control Panel.

This can be done by going to Start> Control Panel> Programs> Programs and Features ... Here you will right click on "Focusrite USB 2.0 Audio.." and choose uninstall. When prompted to restart please choose later.

Next, please go to Device Manager> Sound Video and Game Controllers and right click on the Scarlett 2i4 and choose uninstall. You will also need to check the box to uninstall the driver as well, when prompted. Now reboot your PC.

The end result should be a "Code 10" when the device is connected. The "Code 10" error will be shown in the form of a yellow triangle being listed next to the Scarlett 2i4 in Device Manager. To confirm this, please disconnect and reconnect the Scarlett to your PC.

Now please disconnect the 2i4 and install this 3.2.1 driver:

Please let me know how things come along, as well as provide the requested screenshots so that I can help with finding a resolution to the behavior!

Best regards,
David // Focusrite Technical Support
Hey guys,



start button-> scroll down for FOcusrite folder-> click ASIO control panel then increase sample rate until smooth sound is heard.

I can't believe all the techs who misled the solutions.

Hope this still helps.
