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Dell XPS 15 9560, Windows 10, Thunderbolt 3 & Clarett 4PRE

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Topic Dell XPS 15 9560, Windows 10, Thunderbolt 3 & Clarett 4PRE
I just got an Dell XPS 15 9560 with Thunderbold 3 and a Clarett 4pre interface knowing that there may be some issues with it since thunderbolt 3 is not supported. I also got an apple Thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3 adapter and a an apple thunderbolt 2 cable to hook everything up. Got it all hooked up, installed drivers, the laptop recognized it and was able to play audio and record but there was pops, clicks, stutters while playing audio from browser, media player, DAW, etc. I tried different buffers sizes, sample rates nothing.

The last thing I tried was turn off c-states in BIOS and then everything worked perfectly. Low latency, no pops and clicks, pretty awesome interface. I replicated the problem by doing a clean install of Windows 10 and set bios settings to default and confirmed that only setting to get the Clarett 4pre to work correctly is turning c-states off in bios.

So, if you're having pops and clicks with Thunderbolt 3 and using the adapter, try turning c-states off and it may fix your issues. I turn c-sates off anyways to optimize DAW.
