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Scarlett 18i20 Losing Connection / Crackles

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Topic Scarlett 18i20 Losing Connection / Crackles
Hello everyone, sorry in advance if this is a somewhat redundant post as there are so many Scarlett threads. I did search but didn't see any fixes I haven't already tried.

I own a Scarlett 18i20 1st Gen and have not had many issues with it until recently upgrading my computer to a Dell Optiplex 990. I am now experiencing frequent dropouts that require power cycling and crackling in the signal which I had not experienced previously on my Dell Latitude E6510 laptop.

Specs on the new computer:

Dell Optiplex 990, Core i7 3.4GHz, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 64-bit SP 1 newly updated
DAW: Reaper 5.52

Things I have tried with no significant performance improvement:

MixControl 1.8
MixControl 1.9b10
Disabled UAD-2 card
Put Scarlett alone on its own USB bus
Turned off hyperthreading

I have never been prompted to update firmware.

Is there anything you can recommend that might resolve the performance issue?

What is the likelihood that upgrading to a Scarlett 2nd generation unit would resolve issue?
