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LINE inputs not routing to SCARLETT audio source?

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Topic LINE inputs not routing to SCARLETT audio source?
Scarlett 6i6 2nd gen owner here.

I've plugged my IPHONE into the LINE INPUTS 3-4 in the back because I want to play music into my broadcasting software (OBS, or the communications stack of my computer games) with my Scarlett as the sound source. This doesn't seem to work as the audio is not mixing in with my microphone audio which is plugged into the XLR 1-2 inputs in the front. This didn't work with my 6i6 (1st Gen) and not with my 2nd gen, and I was just wondering if this wasn't how those inputs in the back were designed to be used.

My solution is to plug my IPHONE into the Line In or Mic In on my motherboard's integrated soundcard and use Virtual Audio Cable or Voicemeeter Banana to mix that audio with my microphone and send it to my software currently.

Note: I understand I can plug my IPHONE into the front XLR and have it work that way, but those inputs are reserved for both my microphone and my synth for performance.

Just wondering if those inputs in the back of the unit are being improperly used by me, or if I'm not setting a config right in the Focusrite Control software
This sounds like a DAW issue. A channel must be enabled in your DAW to receive input signals. Monitoring is a further option.

[ Post last edited on 12/22/2017 at 17:41:27 ]