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In need of advice for a new setup

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Topic In need of advice for a new setup
Hello there,

I'm in the market for a audio interface that will fulfil my needs as listed below, and am wondering if anyone here can point me in the correct direction, or recommend an adequate Focusrite product, as well as the way in which I would need to go about connecting the devices.

I'm new to the whole audio interface world, and haven't really got a clue where to start, therefore your help would be much appreciated.

Here are my needs:

-Rack mountable.
-One input and output using a Beyerdynamic DT-297-PV-MKII-80 Headset with Cardioid Condenser Microphone.
-Three devices (1 Mac, 2 Windows PC's) need microphone input and audio output, with the aim of using the Beyerdynamic headset simultaneously for all.

Again, thank you all in advance for your help.

[ Post last edited on 04/02/2018 at 08:07:44 ]