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Thread Annoying tone added to Clarett noise floor as soon as second mic is connected

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Topic Annoying tone added to Clarett noise floor as soon as second mic is connected

I recently purchased a Clarett 4Pre and connected my Rode NT1 and NTG3 to it (initially inputs 3+4 with P48).

With gain dialed to 6 for the NTG3 I immediately recognized an annoying tone added to the noise floor of that microphone.
I'm not used to this kind of background noise when using the NTG3 before.
That noise remains audible when listened to closely as part of my recordings on the Clarett.

I moved the NT1 to input 2. That way I am able to turn P48 on and off separately for both microphones.
When I disable P48 for the NT1 the tone in the noise floor of the NGT3 is gone. Recordings turn out as to be expected.
But as soon as I turn on P48 for the NT1 again to be able to use it the noise floor on the NTG3 gets this annoying tone again.
The situations remains when I unplug the USB cable of the Clarett for testing.
If I add a Rode VXLR adapter to either one of the remaining free inputs (1,3) the situation is slightly better but not as good as in single microphone mode.
In any case I did not get a 4 input interface to only use a single mic at a time ;-)

After a lot of playing around I connected both microphones using the same cables to my old Zoom H4n (also XLR inputs).
On the H4n I do not hear this issue even with the gain for the NT1 at 80% and NTG3 at 60%. Recordings turn out just fine.

I described the problem to Focusrite support a few days ago but so far no reply.
I would really like to do something this weekend and would appreciate your thoughts.

Best Moongate