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Topic Focusrite 18i8 (3rd Gen) possible to get non DAW software to recognise input 3 and 4?
In any non DAW software that uses a mic such as Discord, OBS, Zoom etc, when I go into the audio settings and have to select my audio input device my Focusrite shows up as "Analogue 1 + 2(2-Focusrite USB Audio)". This works fine if my mic is plugged into input 1 or 2 but I neeed it to be in input 3.

Reason for this is input 1 and 2 are the only ones that support the instrument option so I have those reserved for my guitar and bass and don't want to have to keep swapping them out every time I'm switching from using a DAW or Discord and putting my mic back in input 1 or 2.

Is it possible to get these non DAW software to see input 3 or am I misunderstanding how this audio interface works?
This can be done with the Loopback channel. As source for Loopback choose “custom mix” and than add input 3+4 and set the level. This way you can send every input or combination of inputs and computer audio into Zoom or other applications. Hope that helps.