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Focusrite 18i20 and RME digiface

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Topic Focusrite 18i20 and RME digiface
I have a 18i20 as my audio/midi pc interface. Then an octopre and 2x behringer ADA8200 ADAT interfaces.
All this goes via optical cables to a RME digiface usb interface, then to the PC. SO it gives 32 channels on audio. I have a lot of old synths

RME has its totalmix software
Focusrite has its software which I find quite confusing as it seems to interfere with the totalmix

Is there a way to bypass the focusrite software and just use totalmix to control the ADAT of the 18i20.
I can disconnect the USB but then I lose MIDI utility and also the main monitors out


[ Post last edited on 04/22/2023 at 15:11:36 ]