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Thread Focus Control 2.0 and Clarett+ 8Pre: Not available now but any migration plan?

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Topic Focus Control 2.0 and Clarett+ 8Pre: Not available now but any migration plan?
I own the Clarett+ 8Pre and although the sound quality is great, there are two really bad issues for me:
1. The Focus Control interface (version 1.0) is literally atrocious. Why can't it look like a conventional mixer, which is in fact what Focus Control 2.0 appear to do
2. Lack of loopback capability to play back computer audio in a DAW

I fixed #2 by literally putting cables between two analog Input/Outputs, which is the only way that seems to exist.
But what about #2? Is there a plan for Focus Control 2.0 to become available for the Clarett+ line of products? When I bought it, it looked like Clarett+ was the future and Scarlett was the past, but with FC 2.0 only working with Scarlett 4th generation, it appears that the latter is the future unless there is a migration plan?
I hate FC 1.0 so much that I would consider selling it to switch to a Scarlett, but I am unaware of any Scarlett 4tyh generation that has 8 mic preamps?