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Thread Saffire Pro 24 - how do i to listen to all 4 inputs simultaneously on headphones ?

  • 6 replies
  • 4 participants
Sujet de la discussion Saffire Pro 24 - how do i to listen to all 4 inputs simultaneously on headphones ?
I can't figure this out for the life of me. I've got songs in Ableton Live and i'm sending groups out to two external devices for compression using Saffire's 3/4 and 5/6 jack outputs. I'm bringing these back into the Saffire using the 4 jack inputs front and back. Using the Mix Control software, i can't seem to able to use the headphones on the Saffire to listen to both sets of inputs and the same time - i can listen to inputs 1/2 using headphones, or 3/4, but not all 4 simultaneously.
I can hear all the inputs fine using speakers connected to output 1/2.
Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Silicon,
From what I see, Saffire Mix Control only allows two outputs for headphones. I think the only trick is to pass all the inputs through the DAW again and use the DAW outputs 1 and 2 to hear the four tracks/inputs together.
Sorry I can't help you more with this, maybe other users have a better solution.

[ Post last edited on 05/17/2013 at 15:37:23 ]

Thanks for your advice Banshee. I'll give it a try but it's starting to get way to convoluted! Seems like a REALLY basic need was overlooked. Although i'm happy with the sound quality of the Saffire, i'm finding it can be a bit flakey in use. Sometimes i'll lose control of a gain pot on the front, sometimes the firewire drops out...

Anyway, thanks again :)
Hello Sillicon,

I just forwarded your post to a Focusrite folk, hopefully he or one of his colleague can reply and help you!

Dear Silicon1138,

Thanks for your thread.

What is your operating system?

Which version of Saffire Mix Control have you installed?

Could you please send me a screenshot of your Saffire Mix Control settings?

Please let me know, if I can be of any further assistance.

With best regards,

Marcel // Focusrite Novation Support
Hi Marcel, thanks for your reply. Here are the photos of my setup.
I'm running OSX 10.8.3


Dear Silicon1138,

Thanks for your email.

Please install the latest version of Saffire Mix Control, which should be more stable on your operating system.

You need to create a mix in Saffire Mix Control with all your inputs and eventually DAW returns routed to the the headphone output you wish to use as a monitor. In your case the mix is called "Outboard" , which is why you can hear all your inputs on your loudspeakers, which are connected to Line out 1 and 2.

I would advise you to visit our answerbase on our website and check for the very useful Saffire Mix Control tutorials.

Please let me know, if I can be of any further assistance to you.

With best regards,

Marcel // Focusrite Novation Support

[ Post last edited on 05/30/2013 at 10:01:00 ]