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Thread Saffire pro 40 freezes web browser video and sound and spotify stops working

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  • 2 participants
Topic Saffire pro 40 freezes web browser video and sound and spotify stops working
To make work again i have to go to settings-asio buffer size and select another buffersize from the list (doesnt matter which one) and then all starts working again. But after short while the same happens and so on and so on.

See video where the problem is captured:

I have a very similar occurrence. However, instead of changing the buffer size, I disable/enable the device in Windows. Go to the speaker icon in the bottom right of windows, right click, go to playback devices, go to Speakers/Saffire Audio option, right click, disable, right click again, enable.

I know this isn't really a fix, but it might be a little faster than opening up the mix control and all that. Plus, you won't have to change the buffer size.

I hope somebody comes along and explains why it's actually happening, though.