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SeriesFocusrite Liquid

Liquid Saffire 56 and 18i20 using ADAT - HELP

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Topic Liquid Saffire 56 and 18i20 using ADAT - HELP
Hi all,

I am about to start recording a bands EP and in order to have enough channels I am hiring a Focusrite 18i20. I currently own a Liquid Saffire Pro 56.

My question is this, can I ADAT these two interfaces together and use the 18i20 as the 'master' so that I am able to connect to both interfaces via USB to my Mac Book?

Would usually use the Firewire connection for the Saffire Pro 56 and connect to my iMac however due to the nature of the project I will have to use a laptop (that does not have a firewire port).

Has anyone used this set up and is this the best way of connecting or is there an argument to say it's best to use the Pro 56 as the master via a thunderbolt/firewire adapter?

Any input greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Jaz