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Focusrite (2ndgen) 2I4 crackle issue

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic Focusrite (2ndgen) 2I4 crackle issue
Hi there I'm experienced an issue with my Focusrite 2I4, I'm having an issue where the audio will paly fine but then at random intervals a audio crackle or skip will occur. I have contacted the live support help on the focusrite site and it seems the issue boils down to my network adapter. If I disable my ethernet connection the audio problem goes away, if I reenable the ethernet connection the audio clicks or skips come back.BhRjWgUXhtNuq9mEJfHDNF8OJvdB

[ Post last edited on 12/14/2016 at 17:14:15 ]

Hi MalcomWilk,

It sounds like you may need to update the drivers for your network adapter.

If the network adapter is an internal adapter, updates should be able to be done via your computer manufacturer's website.

If using a external USB adapter, can we test the adapter on ALL USB ports. Also you may find better performance with a different external adapter as some 3rd party network adapters will work better with certain systems than others.

I hope this helps point you in the right direction, but if you are still unable to get the issue sorted out please reply to our last ticket correspondence so that we can offer some more 1-on-1 support!

Best regards,
David // Focusrite Technical Support