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Saffire (white) - Win7 64bits - Unstable

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Topic Saffire (white) - Win7 64bits - Unstable
Hi! I have the Focusrite Saffire white one. I used this soundcard perfectly on other old PC with Windows XP 32bits.

Now i got this:
Windows 7 64bits
Mother: asus m5a99x evo
Micro: phenom II x4 965
Video: Sentey geforce fx5500 256MB
Firewire: http://www.amazon.co.uk/LyCOM-PE-101-PCI-Express-Profile-Warranty/dp/B002H9RKF0
RAM: 8gb

Now, with this computer, it is unstable. I red ALL the internet about this, and I tried everything. I Used the Legacy Firewire Driver, I Used the TI firewire driver and i Use the other one. I Used the three drivers and sometimes i got sound, sometimes no... (cant see a patern). I was using the TI firewire Driver for two weeks without a problem, and then i poweroff and startup the Pc and havent any sound...

I dont see errors on config, and I select to use the saffire output on Windows Sound config, and de level bars of windows move with the sound, but the level bars of the Saffire Control doesnt, and i cant hear anything.

The soundcard aparently boot correctly with the two green lights.

Then the sound went back for a day and in the middle of a reproducing, it started to play noise with the sound for a few seconds. Then all sounded right. Then I reboot and now i cant hear anything again...
I also updated the mother bios to the last one.

I installed Windows XP 64 bits and it worked, but I need W7 to use some programs.

I sent the question to the focusrite team but i didnt get a reply.

more info:
Computer Specifications:
- Processor model and speed
phenom ii x4 965
- Operating system, including version number (e.g. Mac OSX 10.4.10, or Windows XP 32-bit Service Pack 2)
Windows 7 64bits ServicePack 1
- Are there any other FireWire devices in use? If so, what are they? And where are they connected on your computer (e.g., are all devices daisy chained together, or are they on different FireWire cards, etc)?
The only firewire device is the Saffire on a TI firewire card http://www.amazon.co.uk/LyCOM-PE-101-PCI-Express-Profile-Warranty/dp/B002H9RKF0
- What other devices do you have connected to the computer?
Only keyboard, mouse and monitor

Software Info:
- What software programs are using with your Saffire (besides Saffire Control), including the version number?
Now, for test and solve the problem, only Windows with its sounds or a webbrowser like chrome, but i cant hear anything when I have the problem.
- What sample rate and buffer size are you using in this software?
Default, 44.1

Product Info:
- What is the version number of the firmware on your Saffire?
Saffire firmware 2.2 build 7869
DSP firmware version 1.1 build 7865
- What is the version number of the Saffire Control software installed on your computer?
(Both of these can be found by selecting the 'About Saffire Control' option in Saffire Control software when you have the unit attached to a Mac, or by clicking on the Saffire logo in the SaffireControl software to open up a menu, and selecting 'About SaffireControl' from there.)
2.7 (but the driver I downloaded from the focusrite site says 2.7.1)
- Do you use the Saffire with the Power Supply connected, or do you power it from your Firewire bus?
From the Firewire card. The Firewire card has a commplementary plug of power from the powersuply of the pc (the floppy power connector)
- What audio devices are connected to the Saffire's inputs and outputs (both analogue and digital) and how are they connected (balanced/unbalanced/etc)?
Analogue and unbalanced. Only a simple adapter for the out cable. (It works fine)
- When and where you purchased the unit, and where you are located?
Argentina, and i purchased 4 years in the past. It worked always fine, and it works great on windows xp.

Please help :(
Hi Laureano,

I can see you've started an email case with us directly and so we'll get you sorted via that hopefully.

Many thanks
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support