TopicPosted on 06/22/2015 at 14:33:36Direct Monitoring
I'm not an audio expert, however, eager to learn and desire to know the ins and outs of how this technology works.
I have a Scarett Solo.
"Direct monitoring allows a user to listen to the input signal of the interface with near zero latency. It takes the input signal on the interface and sends it straight to the headphone and line outputs on the device."
I understand that! However, regardless of if I have anything in my input or not, I notice a slightly higher output volume when I have the DIRECT MONITOR switch turned OFF. It feels about +3db. I'm mainly using this to hear my system audio. I do video editing.
Not that it's a problem, but I am curious. Why does it do that? Any reason?
willy wonka
New AFfiliate
Member 10 years ago
2Posted on 06/23/2015 at 06:25:11
That doesn't sound normal, as you said, direct monitoring is just a way to decrease latency for more accurate recording by sending the output signal directly to your headphones/monitors. The level of that output signal should be unchanged.
Have you tried reaching out to focusrite support directly about this? Then again, I see so many focusrite questions on here it's almost like Audiofanzine is focusrite support