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Advice for a home studio on a budget

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Topic Advice for a home studio on a budget
Hi guys,

I am looking for some suggestions about setting up a home studio. My total budget is +- $1,000. I record hip hop vocals only and looking for a quality sound that is worthy of a professional studio recording.

I have a nice Dell PC with 4GB or ram an a Dual Core CPU (so thats a good start)

What I am looking help with is determining which microphone, soundcard, preamp, and monitors to purchase on my budget. Here is what I am thinking:

- Rode NT1A Studio Condenser Microphone
- Rode K2 Tube Microphone (not cheap)
- Rode NTK Tube Condenser Studio Microphone
- Rode NT2A Variable Pattern Studio Condenser Microphone

SoundCard/ Preamp
- PreSonus Firebox 6x10 FireWire Recording Interface
- Focusrite SAFFIRE LE 6 in/8 out Firewire Interface

- (nothing specific in mind)

Please help me determine what are the best options for me to use to record hip hop vocals. Thanks in advance.
I don't have much to recommend in the way of hardware save that I use the m-audio fast track usb which works really well.

On the software side, however, I have gone a completely different route. Check out 64 Studio at the distrowatch.com website. It's really easy to use Linux that is tailored towards audio production with a ton of free software that rivals most of the Windows stuff and actually runs much faster than Windows. I have mine set up on an old eMachines Avalon XP 1.8Ghz with 512Mb of ram and it is like a new computer.