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Vox Tonelab SE
Vox Tonelab SE
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Catharsis Catharsis
Published on 10/29/06 at 03:40
See previous ones opinion and official website.


A Premire for the ToneLab SE is quite dstabilisant but you get done quickly trs.

Configuration instinctive manual clear and Retailer.

Prsence of the two pedals of expression is a +.


Audio quality level is stunning confess.
I had read many positive opinion about it but I really t surprised by the warmth of the sound. A single lamp, but you can feel good.

APRS I do not know all the original amps so I can not talk too much about the "fidlitquot; simulations, but again the sound quality is excellent.

The factory presets are correct but the pleasure comes when you called your own sounds (trs INTUIVA Fawn by the way).

However I have a doubt regarding the utlisation the ToneLab SE for the big mtal (for dpanner OK but not if you only play was finally in my opinion), shows all the bte its potential in the sound blues, rock, hard rock of ACDC, punk, and vintage gnral. APRS I play with microphones SH1 and SH4 then orients vintage, that is why the TSE me.

The effects are more or less Russian and useful, sometimes with duplicates (eg rotary effect). A BMOL for the wah wah to me, I recommend having one dedicates pedals. The modulations are correct if we take the time to find the sound you want). The reverb and delay are of good quality overall.

Prsence of the two pedals again be very useful.

Anyway that's good, the good rev. I think everything has t say about that.


I use it for 3 or 4 months now.
I love the simplicity of using the can (live as in-home studio) and the quality of sounds, including the heat of the amp simulation.

I never tried other amp simulators except that of my Cube-30 (not too similar) so I can not compare.

Résumé in the Tonelab SE is an excellent compromise for those who want to address a wide range of musical styles without buying more amps. Obviously a is not a good all-tube amp, but the prices can have fun dj without rob a bank :-)

I would do without this choice hsiter.