Rocktron Dreamstar Chorus - " Very comfortable double chorus"
translatedTwo floors of combined chorus (or not!), Each with a speed setting, a deep and level. Nothing is easier! Note, however, the output is curiously mono only. Damage. UTILIZATION This means that th…
Rocktron Deep Blue Chorus - " Very good chorus"
translatedAnalog Chorus pedal. The aluminum frame (a very pretty blue) is very strong, but contrary to what we might think, it is not so heavy as that. The small problem is that the box is large enough, it t…
Rocktron Tsunami Chorus - Nigel's review
translatedIn terms of character "is a super strong box with screws to trape ACCS battery (or standard 9V power supply prfrer my opinion) I go through a personal power supply ... as in the photo, two good st…
Rocktron Tsunami Chorus - SlapKid's review
translatedI have the first version, very solid case class. The interior is probably the same. Analog, stereo, and what I wanted: additional stereo surround function. This is a circuit that makes you a grea…
Rocktron Deep Blue Chorus - jetlag's review
translatedThis is a fairly flexible chorus; settings are conventional and two outputs. UTILIZATION Efficcaes pots and sensitive, no need to manual if you have ears:) SOUND QUALITY efficcace chorus is a…