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Boss DS-1 Distortion
Boss DS-1 Distortion
l'electron libre l'electron libre
Published on 01/04/08 at 21:22
Ah! My distortion pedals before bonnne who do not leave me for our fifteen years together ...
Always ready-when the need arises ...
To be more seriousness, I think I can pass on the little critter CHARACTERISTICS ...


The configuration is simple? Uh ... yes! trs trs! it pedals with a few buttons!
Easy to use, forcment!
Manuel? who is this manual? : D


The effects are simple and Varis ... but it is not a pdalier l. .. I also use a multi-purpose AX3000 but sometimes I show my little boss because his boss .... Oh, the Boss's ...
With what instrument I use it? An accordion!: D Well no, Obviously a guitar ... it's a guitar pedals ... forcment then I use it with a guitar ... Finally, good short ...
I love it all ... diffrent boss distortion distortion korg ... : S


I use it for fifteen years ...
His most: its sound!
the least: his sound sometimes!
Report quality nickel prices, c'tait a gift!