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Boss DS-2 TURBO Distortion
Boss DS-2 TURBO Distortion
sexybrocoli sexybrocoli
Published on 02/27/05 at 09:31
Value For Money : Poor
Three potentiomtre: Level, Ring and Disto ... Two types of distortion ... there is a remote jack for switching between the two types of distortion. It's a tank (requires Boss)


It's simple, too simple.


The sound quality is quite rotten. It sounds way too artificial and cold. The pallet of effort is ridiculous. Zero for rhythm, no solos for ... dsesprant it. I use it with old synth shit ... but not with my guitar!


This is my Premire pedals. Must have 10 years. The report is really not qualitprix INTERESTED. I never use it! I keep it for the collection ... I like the color (it has! dj). Right now, I tate to put my homemade Fuzz in or to transform it into FS-5 ... (The DS-2 has a really rotten, but the box is big enough to put another circuit ...) For the same price, you can have a much more versatile distortion in the concurrency ... Go see the cot instead of Digitech, EH (It sounds good but is too expensive for what it is ... if the electronic put you off, there are plenty of plans to clone the net. .. It must be the effect most easily couraging by itself), or Jacques! (A worthwhile investment!) The distortion, it really is not the strong point of Boss.
To avoid!