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Boss DS-2 TURBO Distortion
Boss DS-2 TURBO Distortion
MGR/Anonymous MGR/Anonymous

« Boss Turbo Distortion Pedal DS-2 »

Published on 03/04/04 at 15:00
Local music store, $90. I wanted a distortion pedal that I was lookin for.

It is a good pedal, I don't use it anymore, but it is ok. Definitly buy DS-1 instead of DS-2, trust me on that one. It has a turbo I and turbo II knob, I is for a low end distorion, and II is for a high end distortion. It sounds ok on either.

When usin it in Turbo II, it has a trebly dist. that is ok, but sounds kinda strange. The dist. in turbo II sort of sounds like the dist. comes in a little late, I can't describe it too good, but it is a good pedal i guess.

Built great, it is a Boss pedal.

Definitly, buy DS-1 instead of DS-2, you won't be missin out on anything good if you buy DS-1 instead. DS-2 is a good distortion pedal, but just buy the DS-1, it is a lot better than the DS-2.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com