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Mesa Boogie Fifty/Fifty
Mesa Boogie Fifty/Fifty
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Lvz77 Lvz77
Published on 11/12/13 at 09:13
This is a 2x50W lamps mounted to four 6L6 and 3 12AX7 (I'm not sure for all AX7)

Volume controls and independent presence.

Output 4 and 8 ohm.


Easy to use although with some trepidation, this is my first tube power amp at that.


I play progressive metal with all that that implies as influences, coupled with Engl E530 and choice, a Schecter 7-string or G & l Tribute S-500 it sounds really modern.

That little drool, it's very clean and it does not forgive when we play badly.

Like any pre-amp is appreciated when you can push a little, maybe buying an attenuator would be to consider if you really want to enjoy.


400E used is a matter, sound and finish are at the rendezvous.

Perhaps a wider range of settings would be welcome, a switch of tone, for example, the presence can not catch everything.