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Crazy Tube Circuits Splash upgraded to mkIII

Crazy Tune Circuits updated its Splash reverb pedal to version mkIII, in order to add a new blue finish and three algorithms.

Splash mkIII offers a very wide variety of reverb flavors, thanks to three setups and algorithms:

Exciter adds overtones to an ambient reverb in order to reach extreme effects ; it also allows for pre-delay control up to 100 ms. The second algorithm generates mid-size reverbs ranging from spring to room and hall, while the third algorithm provides extra-large reverb. Selecting the algorithm is achieved via a toggle switch.

Splash mkIII also offers decay, Mix/Kill Dry and Volume controls, the latter can boost the signal by up to 20 dB. 

This studio-quality pedal is designed to color the signal as less as possible.

Pricing: $259

More info at crazytubecircuits.com

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