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< All Dunlop SW95 Slash Cry Baby Wah reviews
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Dunlop SW95 Slash Cry Baby Wah
Dunlop SW95 Slash Cry Baby Wah
Wolvie06 Wolvie06
Published on 04/16/07 at 06:21
- What are the effects or types of effects available? Wah and Disto


- The configuration gnrale Is it easy? Yes, you plug, play, and it is part of Rock n 'Roll!

- The manual is clear and sufficient? ... Manual in English, but not need to know how to use it! lol We set foot rolls and always alone.


- Effects are they effective, suitable and adequate ralistes?
For me yes broadly, "November Rain, or Do not Cry", the sound is ... Wow! I can even confuse my guitar and that of Slash '! lol
It's terrible

- Which instruments do you use? I Gib's a Les Paul Wine Red (Slash'Pit Signature) REQUIRE!!

- What are those you prfrez, you dtest? Wah, (well what the sound of Slash) and I hate the flanger! Yuck!


- How long have you use it? Since its release (hihi)
- What is the particular feature you like best and least? The color is TOP!
This is a signature of Slash, right? Then there is NO DEFAULT!!
- Have you tried many other models before acqurir? No, I headed straight dessu!
- How do you report qualitprix? One can xcife for pedals, a signature is ok but hey, 260th, vrment be playing what.
- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ... Yes, definitely