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Newb seeking help with home recording setup/studio

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Topic Newb seeking help with home recording setup/studio
Hello all. I am 54 (soon 55) I have played in bands since high school until I got into the rat race and left everything behind. I play Guitar and Keyboard. Since Ive become disabled the past 14 years, I am looking to set up a small recording studio to make a hobby of it and teach my 12yo son ( he plays guitar and loves to sing )
I am amazed at what is done on youtubz but I am at a lost on what I need ? We are not doing videos, and My son has an old program I bought years ago loaded on his desktop called Magix acid music studio that we have played with but never mastered it yet. Ive been looking at a few interfaces like focusrite.... here is a link to the 3 I am looking at, just wondering which is easier and expandable if thats an option... other than that what else to I need forinstruments and vocal recording... it would just be a small setup on his computer desk. Thanks for any help and here is the link to the center that sells what Im looking at but also have a guitar center within reasonable distance.