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ready to get serious, need advice and direction

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic ready to get serious, need advice and direction
Hey all, long story short I've been saving up money and I'm finally ready to make my first 'real' investment into my career as a producer / singer / songwriter.

I'm looking to invest between $3k - to 8k into equipment in order to get things moving. I am looking to switch from fruity loops to protools and I would probably get a mac based laptoop to run it. I want to get a really good mic with a pop filter and I could really use advice in that area. Also, id like to step my keyboard game up and id like to invest into a really good home workstation for the price.

Any advice / tips / direction for how I should most effectively invest this money would be greatly appreciated!!

Hey Gary,

If you're putting together a studio to primarily work with audio, I'd definitely recommend making the switch to Pro Tools as you said.  I've got a Mac Book Pro running with a Digi 002R and I'm able to run full sessions without issues.  I'd probably also recommend going with a few different microphones for different applications.  It really depends on what exactly you're going to be recording and what you're looking to spend on each, as the difference between 3 K and 8 K is big.  Putting together a studio will definitely take some time, so I'd recommend doing your homework and making sure you know about everything out there that you might need.

-  Mike

hey bro, honestly man alls you need to do is have the will to excell. its not about salary, or not about reality, its about heart. and of course, you gotta believe in the work that you do.

i would go with a macbook pro set up with all the pro tools. perhaps look into getting a workstation in place as well, that can do as a watered down studio for the time being.

[ Post last edited on 05/10/2011 at 09:28:40 ]