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Korg "X Marks the Spot" Scavenger Hunt

Beginning May 24, 2012, Korg USA is taking participants on a scavenger hunt for an opportunity to win a Korg Kronos Music Workstation.

The Kronos can be a 61, 73 or 88-key version.


Each week, for seven weeks, U.S. residents can visit www.korg.com/xmarksthespot, to view a new riddle that leads to another clue for participants to follow.


These riddles will test wits and challenge participants in various ways, but each can be solved as long as participants have internet access. Upon solving all of the posted riddles, contestants can unscramble a final riddle and enter to win. 


Visit www.korg.com/xmarksthespot for more information or to join the scavenger hunt.

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