M-Audio Luna - dav_boisv's review
translatedI use it mainly for vocals and is specially made for that ... Come with case and shockmount. STUDY finish well look quite interesting but ugly but shockmount plutt ffective trs. Solid, simple and sur…
M-Audio Nova - Micky201's review
translatedIt is a micro Condenser (see website m-audio). OVERALL OPINION I use it for 6 months for the voice (singing) only. The quality is very good for my taste and I get taken precise. He has a bump i…
M-Audio Nova - Néluge's review
translatedCHARACTERISTICS provided by M-Audio: Type: large diaphragm condenser, gold vaporbr /> digraphs polar cardioid Rponse in frquence: 20 Hz 18 kHz Sensitivity: 16 mV / Pa (-36 dBV) SPL max. for…
M-Audio Nova - manu_cervet's review
translatedGnraliste of micro-level. CATEGORY studio microphone (condenser), +48 V phantom power supply ncessite Suspention provided but not elastic. I use it with: Filter pop- Table-Mix Behringer MX…
M-Audio Nova - Cigline's review
translatedM-Audio Nova for taking his song Home studio Capacitor OVERALL OPINION I just bought the M-Audio Nova, until now I used a SM58 for my taking singing. It was always bad at listening (level + Fa…
M-Audio Nova - scribler's review
translatedType: large diaphragm condenser, gold evaporated Digraph polar cardioid Frequency response: 20 Hz - 18 kHz Sensitivity: 16 mV / Pa (-36 dBV) SPL max. for 0.5% THD: 128 dB Equivalent noise …
M-Audio Nova - ryohazuki's review
translatedCHARACTERISTICS: all t adj said. Book in his bag, and clamp. No slecteur directivity no suspension, no filter -10 dB, cutting down ... OVERALL OPINION I use it for a few weeks, APRS having a …
M-Audio Nova - VelvetShow's review
translatedMicro Chant (unidirectivit capacitor or recovery of instruments (acoustic guitars, percussion) He is taking voice dstin It is plutt robust. Aisment is calle a universal suspension. I use it w…
M-Audio Nova - jeanchristophe.me's review
translatedType: large diaphragm condenser, gold vaporbr /> digraphs polar cardioid Destin main voice. Possibly for acoustic instruments. Supplied with cover and screws and a non elastic suspension (blah,…
M-Audio Nova - arsaphes's review
translatedFor the song I recommend this microphone! Great use! For use with the singing anti-pop. OVERALL OPINION Since 1year I tried another model samson but not up to it. very good price for this mod…
M-Audio Nova - Stoparach's review
translatedElectronics Class Large membrane Voice-oriented Slight bump in the low (around 100Hz) OVERALL OPINION Used for 2 months The bump in the bass gives a special warmth to female voices. Wel…
M-Audio Nova - LeKing56's review
translatedMicro versatile, everything said in t CHARACTERISTICS. For a glimpse, here's a clip in which I used the Nova to record voice and guitar: http://swissstar.cooperation-online.ch/mediadetails.php?…
M-Audio Nova - Panse-bête's review
translatedMicro static direction cardoïde used on a spoken voice. I use a hybrid preamp Aphex 207 which is a good product. All connected to the Mbox 2 Pro Audio Interface. Pretty nifty design for my taste. …
M-Audio Luna - " Excellent value for money"
translatedI use it mostly for voice. It is a static micro transistor, solid, good manufacturing, with its nice little padded case: he inspires confidence even before we did try. OVERALL OPINION I have …