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The T.bone SC1100
Ceddie1974 Ceddie1974
Published on 01/15/08 at 02:59
- What kind of microphone? (Song, sound, mixed ..)

I use it for a feminist voice and a voice man, transplanted more acoustic instruments (mostly guitars).

- What technology? (Electret, condenser ...)



- How long have you use it?

In recent days, resulting in a flat on my mind that I deserve the updater comes in a few weeks.

- What is so special that you like most and least?

Aspect: it is solid, well made ... we do not feel like the Camelott in his hands. Moreover, attention to weight large enough to grant him a walk worthy of the name;)

- Have you tried many other models before buying it?

Ooh there ... is an understatement ... Apex Studio Projetcs etc ... I stepped up testing for weeks in a more or less good (in mag) ... parraisaient all very correct ... but I followed my instint and knowing that the SC1100 is really a SE Z3300 débadgé worth 2.5 times the price ... I followed my intuition.

- How would you rate the quality / price?

For me, he is unbeatable because it has all the necessary options to make it versatile, including directional!

In addition, it is easy to implement investments, and tolerates approximate (attention anyway).

It has a headroom enough to satisfy me of my good preamp on my 828 MKII.

During the first taken, I was absolutely delighted with the results!

- With experience, you do again this choice? ...

Yes, it's typically the kind of microphone that will please a connoisseur in his home studio, which means the stuff of great quality at an unbeatable value for money;)

I do it again this election ... Moreover, I love buying and feel immediate avoid disappointment and for purchasing equipment that exactly meets my specifications;)

So I do not say that the experienced technician did not find a few flaws ... but the amateur who wants to equip itself in a very correct and that is that his ears are merely ... is the happiness bar at that price;) (do not be swayed by marketing;))

Update 15/01/2008: Well I come back as promised with a little more perspective on this microphone. Its design is nickel. I confirm that weight requires a walk worthy of the name.

I told a deputy anti-pop that is useful in view of the sensitivity of the microphone. It has a large enough gain ... and anti-pop makes a natural frame for the singer.

The directional characteristics are useful. One regret, however, it lacks a bypass when you want to change the directivity. Let me explain, the condo should not be super great, because every change, I take "click"! This forces any decline, to cut everything to make a change ... not very comfortable when you are looking for the best settings;)

Chef's tip to avoid these "CALACS" which can damage the preamp abd co, install an AB box acting as "bypass" "on / off";)

Otherwise, a microphone of this quality at this price ... it does not spit on it. The disgruntled (as usual) will tell you it's nice of the "m. .." blah blah blah ... if you are an amateur, a beginner wanting to equip themselves properly ... if your facility is not "professional" ... please;) I confirm my notes ... for now;)