TopicPosted on 01/18/2008 at 12:14:52Need advice on mic/loop- staion/pre-amp set up.
Hi Everyone,
New forum member here, and new to "live sound" set-ups. I am a percussionist and want to augment my playing with a loop station. I have a Boss RC-20xl, 2 condenser mic's AT 2020 and 2021, and a Behringer Xenex 802 pre-amp. Simply put, what else do I need to make all this work? Also, do I need the mic cables with the 3 prong connector for the pre-amp, or can i use cables with 1/4" connectors?
I appreciate any advice, and hope this question is appropriate to this section of the forum.
Thanks everyone!!!
New AFfiliate
Member 16 years ago
2Posted on 01/20/2008 at 15:48:15
Should this post be in another section? No disrespect intended for forum or members; I'm just seeking info from informed/experienced members.