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New opera at Sydney Opera House with 3D sound

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Topic New opera at Sydney Opera House with 3D sound
Hello everyone! Great news! IOSONO 3D sound teamed up with Sydney Opera House to present a new version of the opera "Die tote Stadt" by Korngold.
Next to our focus on cinema sound we thought it might be interesting how it sounds when an orchestra sound can be heard in state-of-the-art 3D sound technology.
Korngold’s “Die tote Stadt” shows what opera can look (and sound) like in the 21st century. As the orchestra pit was too small for the big orchestra, it plays live in a studio while the music is streamed in real time to the Opera Theatre. Our 3D sound system then creates an acoustical 3D picture of the orchestra.
So, closing your eyes you can hardly tell the orchestra isn’t actually there and single instruments can be located for both, audience and singers on stage :D:
Check out our website for more information on this one-of-its-kind project, Hope you enjoy! http://iosono-sound.com/news-sydney
Best, Katja

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IOSONO - 3D sound for cinemas, events and entertainment