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DigiTech JamMan
DigiTech JamMan

Looper from DigiTech belonging to the JamMan series

valvamp valvamp
Published on 03/08/09 at 03:00
Value For Money : Excellent
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The configuration is fairly simple, it just takes a little getting used to because the machine Submitted lot of functionality must be getting used to ...
Sound processing trs trs trs is good quality care will be taken the appropriate mix of volumes.
The English manual is more than enough when you have some basic English.


The sound comes out of the pedals is just the same as that in between ... Say anything on this l. I use it with a guitar lctrique and ending for a mciro (XLR microphone jack ass on the pedals).


I reu yesterday, I test the other loopers available on the market and is the one who possde as much functionality for so cheap. The report is excellent conditio qualitprix to use the JamMan wisely. I would do without this choice hsiter a single second ...