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Epiphone Les Paul '56 Goldtop
Epiphone Les Paul '56 Goldtop
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« Barracuda Les Paul »

Published on 05/02/02 at 15:00
Bought the guitar at Guitar Shop for $290 canadian for a brand new...

It was my first guitar that i was going to get, so i thought that anything will do just untill i got better at playing. I was always into the Les Paul's so i bought the Baracuda Les Paul, since the looks of the guitar was pretty good.

I still didn't have an amp at that moment so after saving up a little more, bought myself a Marshall a MG30RCD. Hooked up my guitar, but did not get the sound i was looking for. Compared to the sounds getting from a Epiphone, it was much a cheaper sound.

Body it's self is pretty good looking, except for the sound that it gives out.

It is a pretty decent guitar for a beginner, but once you start to get to know the difference from a good guitar from a bad guitar, it is a big gap. Trust me on this, i made this mistake. Take my advice, if you're planning on buying a guitar for a cheap price that's pretty decent in the looks, dish out another hundred bucks or so and get at least a Epiphone. You will not regret it later.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com