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Gibson Les Paul Faded DC
Gibson Les Paul Faded DC

LP-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the Les Paul series

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bc_tony bc_tony
Published on 02/09/06 at 03:09
Then all dabort is a Gibson made in United States. It has 22 frets, 2 P90 true (hihihi ^ ^).
Level bridge, fixed bridge is, as one of calitemdiocre Gibson knows how to do ...
She 2boutons volume and 2 tone (1 for each pickup) and a selector 3positions.
The handle is the real les paul, good solid handle well (like me before if you had a ibanez SA, you will be surprised, my first 2 hours of games silent hours followed by bulb inches! C ' is the 'tit round)

I put 8, because of the bridge, otherwise the rest is gibson is AIM (which I love, the P90 and the shape of the guitar!)


All dabort, the handle is stiff, not for the solo steve Vabien made in the ACCS is fairly easy to acute (double cut forces ... ^ ^), the guitar is more to the ACCS blues (it sounds good enough for a tit-fusion funky blues) and rock (all types of rock ann 60 ', and pushing it a bit, it perceives that one has to make a show of punk and see the same grunge!) but beware, amateur mtal s'apstenir!. The weight of the guitar is much lighter than a les paul standard or even a Start '.
Sound, bah is very simple, you plug it and play! the rglages? rglages what? dja not need it sounds so good ...
I put 9 because the handle can be a po everybody must love.


I play a little blues and a lot of punk m'clater in his style is truly one of the best model I could hear. It sounds good in what nimporte amps! (Yes even in the marshall MG!). Question her, the level CRUCH c Bonnheure, but then saturated! is the P90, must be a fan, and I CONAI not many who do not like the sound of the P90 for me were the best microphone for rock and roll, punk, and blues! !

I put 10 because really, the sound of Gibson irrprochable


I use it for 1 week, and may be that my avi is subjective or very, because I really fell in love with this guitar. I was found OCCAZ has 830, casi new. I compared the guitar with a jaguar, a mustang and a les paul special strat'etla TV (the big sister of the Les Paul Faded DC) which to me sounds bcp mieu his older sister (I repeated, j ' Dessuti have flash so my decision is very surment subjectifsur certain point, or I came across the model gnial ^ ^) and only inconvnient over fender, its handle is really raid, but if abitue in 1 / 4 of an hour (yes I am slow to dtetente so what?) forget about it until ...

I definitely will remake choice, simply for the sound of P90, shape (!) And its relation Calita unbeatable price! (For 1025, a true Les Paul made in United States!)
was not just that I sub, I VAIT bought me a couple of vox AC30 with this amp, you sound wild!

With that, I go back!
dizol and for the many spelling mistakes ...