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iZotope Ozone 4
iZotope Ozone 4
Nhcool Nhcool
Published on 02/12/10 at 12:08
Very easy to install, it's a vst what.
Nothing could be easier and more with new presets, can be tested on the software.


I have a good centrino 1.7 2gh of ram, it runs without problem in fruity loops on the master channel, while I have full running VSTS synth and samples.
It's more than stable, it does not crash ever.
on the other hand with reverb, my computer freezes a bit of time but anyway, I use it. (I have better.)


Well, why I decided to write this review?
Well to say that Izotope 4 is a revolution compared to previous ones (which sounded too quickly sometimes electric)
No, this is really the best of the best, to make small masters.
Obviously, it does not sound hardware, but in style, it can work wonders.

There, on a kick drum, when the compressor limiter rule well between 0 kHz and 128 kHz for example, we tend to find a dynamic that is mad boomer heart. (I think you understand me). For me, when the dynamic reasoning in the chest, it mean that the kick is well settled. (On some hardcore tracks ... lol.
Stereo expander, handle with care is highly effective.

Well in conclusion, I could not mount the volume with my mixes stronger iZotope.
Plus it's cool to have all the plugs in one and remember the correct setting.
This one has nothing to do with the previous ones.