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iZotope Ozone 5 Advanced
iZotope Ozone 5 Advanced

Mastering software suite from iZotope belonging to the Ozone series

Public price: $999 incl. VAT
vincent.loosfelt vincent.loosfelt

«  Izotop to top »

Published on 11/18/13 at 04:00
traditional installation, no problem qu'Izotope five recognized.
saw the qualities of the module, its installation weight, installation rapiditée use. everything is at the top.


Here is an important point.
for medium config (Quad-core 2.8 GHz / 4GB ram / ssd 1, Izotope react quite well. never crash, excellent stability.
we just met a lag time between the call of the module and its display.
force it can be a little irritating for fans of "I want everything immediately." force to switch between 10 different izotope, even on two screens that can be felt.

talk about performance: ASIO gets a little slap but it is affordable:
parcontre without a good sound card that supports the ASIO load, if you hit 15 maximizer IRC 3 (maximize smart) ... boom freeze it, cut it.
to use intelligently, prefer maximizer in "hard" mode or "soft" that charges less asio.


I tried SEVERAL Waves module biensur original ones Steinberg, and another trial version ... the purchase I returned to Izotop 5:

-Having a single module includes a Pre EQ and Post EQ is rather bienvu.
- Harmonic exiter is a true marvel (simulated tube preamp / diode / triode) if it is used with subtlety.
Maximize it is really effective that it can be greedy

I would not say it does wonders ... but almost.
well used in mastering, mix a little dish becomes close to a pro result
presets are useful, effective. but to use it fully you must have a basic understanding of the mix. because if you do not know what you want, Izotop can become a gasworks seen many adjustment possibilities and
(However well done!) Eg refine low frequencies (SUB) is not solely thanks to the EQ or multiband compressor, but also with stereo imaging ... that work also mutliband!!

I only mastering board