TC-Helicon MP-70 - "One of my favorite live mics"
The TC Helicon MP70 is a vocal dynamic microphone that is geared toward live performances. It has a frequency response that is perfect for vocals, giving them a warm but rich sound that is crystal c…
TC-Helicon MP-75 - "control effects right form the mic"
The TC Helicon MP 75 is a vocal microphone that is made for live performances. It is a super cardioids dynamic microphone that is great with feedback and noise rejection. The reason that this microph…
TC-Helicon MP-75 - " Micro CT, max Quality"
translatedSuper cardioid vocal microphone with push-button control. Comes in a foam case, it might be better deserved ... The overall quality is good and we must say that the remote control function is a r…
TC-Helicon MP-75 - " The micro mitoné TCH .."
translatedThis is a super cardioid dynamic microphone, put together for some time by TCH because it meets the needs of singers using branded products. Its compatibility with a large number of processors is p…
TC-Helicon MP-75 - " Excellent!"
translatedMic exclusively designed for singing on stage, supercardioid. It is especially designed for users of products from the same brand he can control. For those who do not have this kind of product, MP-70…