Morley Pro Series II Bass Wah - "Morley Pro Series II Wah"
I got this pedal as a christmas gift, but I think it was around seventy dollars. I dont know where its from. This wah pedal is very good if you like playing clean toned guitar. The wah sounds good…
Morley 10th Anniversary Bad Horsie Wah - "Morley Bad Horsie"
I purchased this pedal along with my fender deville 2x12 at Guitar Center in Dallas, TX. I had been wanting to get into the wah pedal stuff, but knew I would hate a wah pedal you had to click on and…
Morley Classic Wah - "Morley CLW Classic Wah"
I got this wah wah pedal from the Musician's Friend magazine. I wanted a wah wah pedal and was even thinking of getting that crappy rogue wv-201 wah/volume pedal. I'm glad I didn't. I paid 59.99 for …
Morley Steve Vai Bad Horsie 2 Contour Wah - "Morley Bad Horsie 2"
I got it for christmas but they are about $130 where ever you look. It just rules. I've played through every crybaby and even the vox's. This one puts the last nails in their caskets! It's just the …
Morley Pro Series Wah - "Morley PWA Pro Wah"
I bought this wah pedal at Guitar Center in Tempe for about $120. The reason I was willing to spend so much, was because of the other reviews on the internet saying what a great pedal this was, and I…
Morley Steve Vai Bad Horsie Wah - "Morley Bad Horsie Wah"
Borrowed from my Bassist... The unit sounds great. Nice throaty wah sound, pedal spring is very smooth. Instant on feature is wonderful!!! For a similar sound sample, check out Prince's solo at th…
Morley Steve Vai Bad Horsie Wah - "Morley Bad Horsie Wah"
Personally purchased Steve Vai's Morley Bad Horsie Wah pedal at Guitar Center (Sprongfield, NJ). This Wah pedal was on sale for $98+ and the reason why I purchased it was because of the reviews I've…
Morley Mini Wah Volume - nickname009's review
This is a 2 in 1 pedal by Morley meant to save space on your board and put two functions together that would ideally be very convenient. A wah and a volume, both of which operate optically (that mean…
Morley FX Blender - Alx33's review
translatedThis is a pedal format blender expression pedal, the dose level is wet / dry foot. This is the analog of the tipping system is via an optical controller. Level of connectivity, there is a IN / …
Morley Steve Vai Bad Horsie Wah - Kal's review
translatedWha wha pedal morley technology: it's not a potentiomtre which is operated, but the system Morley, an optical sensor if I nth I wrong, so no risk of cracking caused by the intrusion of dust. The p…
Morley ABY Selector / Combiner - Zlhanh's review
translatedI think everything has already been said. A simple, effective, relatively transparent. And I've found of Cygnus a very good price. The fact that the splitter is used without a battery (it supplies …
Morley Pro Series Wah Volume - AceLeppard's review
translatedWah / volume completely mono, an inlet, an outlet, a switch to activate the wah (wah volume effect if not triggered). A knob to adjust the ranks of the wah. No rack at Morley, the wah works than…
Morley ABC - " swicth morley abc"
translatedI use it to scratch a branch of three amp lamp It works very well no noise no "click" nessecaire battery quickly (just to the LEDs) much better than aby that is not the same thing but do not s…
Morley George Lynch Tripler - " Finally 3 amp at the same time!!"
translatedGeorge Lynch Signature router TRIPLE Morley - Connects to a guitar amp 3 - To select or combine any of the amps - 3 LED activation control amps - Adding up to 20dB boost its unsaturated - T…
Morley Steve Vai Bad Horsie 2 Contour Wah - " Very good product"
translatedWah-wah pedal, with the possibility of the contour Scult Bousta a selected frequency. UTILIZATION I use it for sound recording with my Start or my Les Paul, as well as for live course. SOUND QU…