Reason Studios Reason 3.0 - Pictocube's review
translatedInstallation trs simple, just read. No incompatibility meeting. Gnrale configuration is quite simple: A component gnral / audio / midi / advanced MIDI. Everything is clear. The manual is extr…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - fhald's review
translatedNo problem, with an astonishment there against a cd. Question configration (Mac) is well indiqubr trs /> Only BMOL, from the quick start manual (very well done) there is a pdf version. SUITABILIT…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - Document02's review
translatedInstallation nickel, zero problem, immediate configuration, clear manual (only in PDF for cons, it's a shame). Come on, take off one point for no man. SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCE - On an Athlon XP 32…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - Le d's review
translatedinstall: no soucy, normal What! ca runs very well in xp, install 5 minutes and all is well! RAS incompatibility: no, exept RSN files open on the 4, s no longer opens after the 3 ... c…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - kellyssa's review
translated- Installation is it without problem? The installation is made without concern, yet the era I did not know almost nothing in computer science. - Have you experienced any incompatibility? No, Re…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - asair's review
translatedNB: I will discuss the benefits following the passage of the v3 v4. Installation without problem with the audio device dtection classical and Midi. Fast and efficient, especially since not every…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - Nico53's review
translatedI see lots of good advice so I'll deal with it all ... because Reason is far from perfect, but talking about! - The installation is done it without problems? Installation from a single DVD i…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - Kiaudiocontact's review
translatedReason is not a bad software. It has some problems but important: Can not Save the audio It does not support VST, RTAS and neither nor the Audio Units And finally its audio engine is not top (…
Reason Studios Reason 4 - dawidln's review
translatedI'm using Reason since its first release or Rebirth. The installation was done without any worries about Mac OSX Leopard Easy configuration of preferences. The manual is very comprehensive and …
Reason Studios Reason 4 - davidsouslinux's review
translatedYeah, no problem ... SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCE Bah fact, I have an Athlon XP 2600 +, 768 MB RAM, and 160GB hard drive. a spa bte my computer (except the hard drive) and yet he walks P'ti Reason …
Reason Studios Record - vgambin's review
translatedHello all, I was lucky (privilge) to test the new software from Propellerhead for a week. I could see some DMOS, a product registration Submitted multitrack software with effects, totally Intgr Re…
Reason Studios Record - devalnor's review
translatedInstallation on Mac is still easier. Product registration is not well explained very clearly but it is very easy to do and after 30 minutes of installation, on my deck with the DVD and my WiFi, I was…
Reason Studios Record - kqlqk's review
translatedInstallation is no problem. The config is easy. No problem at this point compatibility. Uh .. the manual? wait ... I remember well .... But the little videos on their sites offer an easy ride. …
Reason Studios Record - Document02's review
translatedInstallation not too bad. the Uninstallation is another problem, all software additions to the dongle are grate and require several manipulations to transfer. Configuration etc ... We are faced wit…