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Behringer B-Control Rotary BCR2000
Behringer B-Control Rotary BCR2000
Shroomy Shroomy
Published on 04/28/05 at 11:32
Use for a day: enough for a mastery of all the camera functions, but brief instructions clear and explicit.

Particularity loves most: LED rings, programming simplicity, price, robustness done everything correctly.

Particularity least favorite: apparent impossibility (OS 1.03) of not Sets the pots, one full turn of knob is Necessary for a transition from 0127 to the value of play pause stop parametre.Commandes locator are not recognized by SX2 (c ptetre binbin me too, I'm still the OS 1.03)

No other hardware test but visually we see immediately that a relative or UC16 UC33 there is no picture, the BCR2000 looks more robust.

Qualitprix Report: it's so good ... behringer

Choice again? no problem, I take the BCR2000