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TouchKeys adds Multitouch to your keyboards

Andrew McPherson has launched a crowdfunding campaign on KickStarter for TouchKeys, a multitouch surface for keyboards.

TouchKeys allows for changing any type of keyboard, acoustic or electronic from 25 to 95 keys, into a multitouch tactile surface. The system fits on the keys and is equipped with sensors that detect the finger position and release, and can generate expression data (vibrato, pitch bend, timbre change…).

The level of accuracy of the finger position on the keyboard is handled by 1500 × 256 sensing points and the sample rate is 200Hz. The system can also measure the contact surface and pressure on the keys. Last, you can play with up to 3 fingers per key in order to create different effects.

The TouchKeys system supports MIDI and OSC protocols.

Andrew McPherson has launched a crowdfunding campaign on KickStarter with introductory prices starting from £330 for the 25-key DIY kit (regular price will be £360) up to £1100 for the 88-key version (regular price is £1200). Pre-installed keyboards are also available with the following prices:

More information about TouchKeys on www.kickstarter.com and www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~andrewm/touchkeys.html.

Andrew McPherson is part of a research team at the Queen Mary University lab dedicated to instruments and digital music in London.




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