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Freeware: Acustica Red EQ

Nebula’s father, Acustica, designed an EQ that is available as a free VST plug-in for Mac OS X and Windows.

The Red EQ is a fixed three-band equalizer (80Hz shelf, 1.8kHz bell and 8kHz shelf), each band offering a 16dB boost/cut. 

An output volume control is available as well as a clipping indicator.

Though it’s quite simple, Acustica says that the Red EQ is very musical, something you can verify now after having downloaded it for free at www.acustica-audio.com.

  • Huy Vũ Art 2 posts
    Huy Vũ Art
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 08/20/2014 at 15:37:09
    one of the high-quality products, unfortunately not enough money to own it

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