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M-Audio Delta 44
M-Audio Delta 44

PCI/ISA + Rack Soundcard from M-Audio belonging to the Delta series

M Audio Delta 44....Help!

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Topic M Audio Delta 44....Help!
I am the biggest noob when it comes to home recording, and I stumbled upon this site hoping that someone could maybe help me out.
I have an M Audio Delta 44, and cant figure out how to set it as my default sound card. I have Nuendo 2.2, the card is installed and working properly, but nuendo doesnt recognize it in the device set up tab....I'm stuck!

Any advice (good or bad) would be appreciated!

I use Cubase SL but I know Nuendo is pretty much similar except for the added multimedia capabilities in Nuendo.

You should be able to setup your Delta by going to Devices > Device setup > VST Multitrack and assign the Maudio ASIO drivers. Next thing would be to setup inputs and outputs in VST Connections. It's all explained in the manual.

A good resource would be to join the Steinberg Nuendo Forums but be forewarned. These forums can be a little bit hard on noobs so having more than cursory knowledge of your manual and software/hardware is necessary or you will commonly get RTFM replies.
