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article reactions 5 of My Favorite Delay Plug-Ins

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Topic 5 of My Favorite Delay Plug-Ins
5 of My Favorite Delay Plug-Ins
A versatile delay plug-in is one of the most useful tools you can have in your audio-processing arsenal. It will not only enhance your tracks, but it can also contribute to the creative process by supplying rhythmic ideas. Just imagine how different the band U2 would sound if delay weren’t such an integral part of The Edge’s guitar sound.

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Just imagine how different the band U2 would sound if delay weren’t such an integral part of The Edge’s guitar sound.

This made me LOL, especially after finding this video of someone playing U2 without delay:

And (while delay isn't the prominent effect here), here's Edge, himself, showing how lame one of his riffs is without any effects:

These plugins have a pretty broad range. Some of the setting added some really cool ambient effects.

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