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Behringer V-Amp 2
Behringer V-Amp 2
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skizoboy666 skizoboy666
Published on 02/13/05 at 13:24
Well no need to return again above


Unlike a lot of other user settings I find intuitive trs simple without being simplistic, it is true that having to support two key simultanment for ACCD certain function can be a little ch **** but well oublie.toute 30min on the functionalities are easily exploitable if only one looks a little bit, for against the manual provides carrment is useless except for some concept but the best is Tatton and discovering the haphazard and trs we understand how it works soon


Then it is the heart of the BTE, APRS have toured the factory pRSET relement zero on every point I said, "I expected more blah" and and as far I understood that to really exploit the potential of bte had to put hands dirty! requires the rgl bte little by little and it is r the base element, I use PRS Tremonti is on and peavey bandit 112 and I really Russia to find my sound finally my son.pour the saturation is the VAMP2 gnial, small distortion to the big crunch metal that spot, I have already programmed a dozen with my little distortion diffrent mimine each slap is really whatever its style, personally I do not sound cold but otherwise it's about APRS gout.j 'by i had read that the clean sound n'taient no top, and b is true, but if you spend time making a diffrent rglage you get a get tr s good clean sound in any case require personal j'tais trs for my distos well with that little blue thing in the form of Paul (yes) I'm ba ange.Les effects of the emsemble trs good bill no complaints.


I for a week, and I use it the more I realize the Earl of efficacitj'ai jou already on a lot of multi purpose (GNX, line 6) and is good for the sound nttement above, then rather than the thousand words I'll make the description of a happy pocesseur v AMP2:
s'exctasy someone before the distortion of known group, which does not seek above all a perfect and clean sound that does not seek to "override" her song because of all kinds, roughly the VAMP2 is made for metal! see the rocker but if your thing is pluto Carla Bruni palmas or pass your way if you jett above you will not, in addition to 90 euros at Thomann impossible not to see vrit face!