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Vox Tonelab
Vox Tonelab
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Pat Vurden Pat Vurden
Published on 02/12/09 at 15:34
See below ...


The general configuration is very simple, it happens quickly in the manual.
Editing sounds is also very simple, turn the knobs on our way, and backup ...
I got it with the manual sort "Tonelab for Dummies", written for teenagers ... lol
I think that's pretty funny ...


I acquired the Tonelab for recording my songs.
Living in an apartment, I had to go through the line out of my amp, which bypasses the amplifier circuit, so that I did not have the same sound quality than live. In addition, my distortion pedals blew a lot, asking me a lot of problems in recording.
With the Tonelab, I get the effects of distortion ave cun blows tiny or nonexistent.
I use a Epiphone Les Paul Custom, a Les Paul Junior that I made, and with a Telecaster that I also made.
Being a fan of Neil Young, I created presets in the spirit of his sound, I tried a lot to get there (the possibilities are enormous), and finally I was able to get the sound I love, and breathless ...
I used this amp for "Tweed 1 * 12" with his cabinet, with a touch of "Tube OD," the reverb, and for solos, I made a preset by raising all the " Trebble booster "(I seem to give you a recipe !!... lol).


I use it for 2 months.
What I like most is the lack of breath, as long as it does not grow too much effects.
The size is perfect for home studio, also the perfect ergonomics.
There are so many adjustment possibilities, and early on struggles to find his sound, but in the end I'm still here ...
I had never heard of amp simulators such, it's terrible!
I had OCCAZ for € 140 is not given the death machine.
I would do without hesitation that choice ...