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Chicken Systems Updates Translator

Chicken Systems has announced the immediate availability of a new update of Translator: version for Mac OS X and version for Windows.

New Source Formats (Mac/Win):

  • SFZ 2.0 (added to SFZ 1.0).
  • Drumagog.
  • Akai MPC-5000 Program (Drum .50s and Keygroup .50k).


New Destination Formats (Mac/Win):

  • Kurzweil.
  • Emu E3/ESi.
  • Roland Fantom-G.
  • Akai MPC-5000 Program (Drum .50s and Keygroup .50k).
  • SFZ 2.0 (added to SFZ 1.0).
  • EmulatorX (Mac; already implemented in Windows).


Mac New Features and Fixes:

  • [ALL] Added Object List File Filter; objects in the Object List can be filtered.
  • [ALL] Added single Preset EmulatorX export.
  • [ALL] Added viewing of Presets and Samples inside EmulatorX Banks.
  • [ALL] Added auditioning of EmulatorX samples.
  • [ALL] Added Recycle-> option to fade out end of sample.
  • [ALL] Now can audition E3/ESi and Ensoniq samples from counterpart files (.esi, .e3b, .efe, .efa).
  • [ALL] Ensoniq-> now combines stereo samples.
  • [ALL] Added custom Motif icons.
  • [ALL] Improved Motif, SND, and Emu sample auditioning.
  • [ALL] Improved Recycle-> conversions.
  • [ALL] Improved ->Stylus conversions.
  • [ALL] Improved Recycle-> conversions.
  • [ALL] Improved Bulk Export ->Independence and ->MachFive; now reacts to selections.
  • [ALL] Improved auditioning stereo files off proprietary disk.
  • [ALL] Fixed Refresh Folder command.
  • [ALL] Fixed issues with reading occasional “mixed byte-order” EXS files.
  • [ALL] Fixed some MPC-3000 reading issues.
  • [ALL] Fixed several PPC-specific bugs in Reference Manager.
  • [ALL] Fixed EXS-> bug when Zone does not have a sample referenced.
  • [ALL] Fixed EmulatorX->, was not reading Transpose values correctly.
  • [ALL] Updated documentation; PDF.
  • [INDEPENDENCE] Fixed EXS-> with named Groups coming in.
  • [SAMPLETANK] Improved averaging of incoming velocity ranges.
  • [SOUNDFONT] Fixed merging of SoundFont presets (implicit operation).
  • [MACHFIVE] Fixed Bulk->MachFive.
  • [KURZWEIL] Fixed ->Kurzweil regarding stereo samples.
  • [ENSONIQ] Improved averaging of incoming velocity ranges.
  • [REASON] Fixed EXS->Reason conversion; optimized ->Reason also.
  • [ROLAND] Improved averaging of incoming velocity ranges for Fantom.
  • [MOTIF] Added converting into existing Motif Banks.
  • [MOTIF] Added converting into plain Waveforms (no realtime conversion).
  • [MOTIF] Added incoming Groups-> predetermined Elements/Waveforms.
  • [AKAI] Improved averaging of incoming velocity ranges for Akai S-1000/3000, Pulsar, MESA, and MPC.
  • [KORG] Improved averaging of incoming velocity ranges.
  • [KORG] Improved ->Triton conversions.
  • [EXS] Automatically converts incoming 32-bit float samples (EXS does not support these).
  • [NI] Fixed EXS-> issue with ungrouped Zones.
  • [NI] Fixed issue when envelope stages were being modulated.
  • [NI] Optimized ->Battery 2, Battery 3 conversions: 64 Groups made; syncs up with keyranges.


Windows New Features and Fixes:

  • [ALL] Added single Preset EmulatorX export.
  • [ALL] Added Support features – Email, Chat, Forum – from application.
  • [ALL] Fixed EXS-> when working with Motorola byte-order files.
  • [ALL] Fixed various MV8000-> issues.
  • [ALL] Fixed various ->MPC-1000/MPC5000 issues.
  • [ALL] Fixed issues with reading occasional “mixed byte-order” EXS files.
  • [ALL] Fixed some MPC-3000 reading issues.
  • [ALL] Fixed EXS-> bug when Zone does not have a sample referenced.
  • [ALL] Ensoniq audition playback loops correctly and now does not add noise.
  • [ALL] Recycle playback now auditions slices correctly.
  • [ALL] Recycle-> now writes correct loop points in the slices.
  • [ALL] Now can view contents of .esi and .e3x files.
  • [ALL] Fixed MV-8000->WAVE.
  • [ALL] Fixed MPC Disks->WAVE and other formats.
  • [ALL] Added Bias Modulator functionality; add Modulators mid-translation.
  • [ALL] Improved Check For Update feature.
  • [ALL] Routine maintenance.
  • [SHORTCIRCUIT] Fixed ->Shortcircuit when incompatible modulators are used.
  • [INDEPENDENCE] Fixed EXS-> issue with ungrouped Zones.
  • [SOUNDFONT] Fixed merging of SoundFont presets (implicit operation).
  • [STRUCTURE] Added Knob support, Knob labeling, with Initial Values.
  • [STRUCTURE] Added support for the Logo under PATCH COPYRIGHT.
  • [AKAI] Fixed some instances of ->MPC-1000.
  • [AKAI] Improved ->MPC-1000 .pgm conversions.
  • [NI] Fixed EXS-> issue with ungrouped Zones.
  • [NI] Fixed tuning issue with some Kontakt3 and up files.
  • [NI] Added Kontakt Conversion Templates; Instrument, Script, and Group.
  • [NI] Corrected some Kontakt 4 issues.
  • [NI] Optimized ->Battery 2, Battery 3 conversions: 64 Groups made; syncs up with keyranges.
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