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Korg ElecTribe ESX1
Korg ElecTribe ESX1

Sampling Sequencer from Korg belonging to the ElecTribe series

Pictocube Pictocube
Published on 11/21/07 at 06:19
Audio In, Stereo Main Out, two appear different outputs, a headphone jack, while 6.35 jack, Midi IN / OUT.
Many factory sounds, ditables, PC utility.
Effect section, two for paramtre effect.
Squenceur not not lower RESOLUTION.

The minimum for this type of machine.


Configuration gnrale ultra simple. Position available almost complete on the panel. Clear and comprehensive manual. If we know a little what kind of machine, it is out of the box, power on and let's go to play music! I put only 5 because it is true that this machine is simple take control of it is especially parcequ'elle simplicime as Submitted and do basic functions. Ergonomics are good, but at the same time this machine is not a power of thunder ...


The sounds are best suited to make the house / minimal / techno / hardtech. They are trs trs fool quality classical dj heard a thousand times ... And in addition there are few. The effects are sympatoches, all fawn Intgr effects are worth not much, but the can have some fun even when. The term is quite mdiocre but when we know what fate is this machine is not a point ngatif. Personally APRS 2 days of use I compltement vid to fill with my sounds, from sound banks or Reason story that is more suited my needs and more enjoyable ear.


I use it for 2 years. What I like most is the ergonomic and compact cot. What I like least is that in fact it is not a real groove box, not complex enough, squenceur too poor, too simplifies machine. I imagine that many people have bought it without much exprience are fans, I'm from Korg, and more sounds are really bad quality and not originals. They have no real big machine or a comparable one MPC RS7000 ... What I actually want is at home in the form of keyboard arranger. I have worked with many machines of its kind and it is one of the least labore I used. I bought it because I needed something like that and little money to invest. The report is qualitprix honnte, having lamps give a little warmth to the sound but it is mostly for show. I exprience with the economy a little more for a longer fits my needs MPC. The squenceur is really basic ... But for beginners or involve other machines to make music is not labore trs well.