Krank Amplification Krankenshaft - " Boost good rock / metal"
translatedOverdrive everything easier! One branch is pressed, it works. 3 settings: gain, tone, volume. 1 input, 1 output. Powered via 9V battery or 9V power supply standard. The case is entirely me…
Krank Amplification Distortus Maximus - sephiroth-grinder's review
translatedAnalog distortion pedal made in United States 9V power adapter not supplied by the pedal is a bit bigger than my electric hamonix Holy Grail, so it's clear, is far more imposing than a boss pedal…
Krank Amplification Distortus Maximus - kenshiro974's review
translatedAnalogue distortion pedals, makes the United States, the case feels solid and good in qualitalimentation 9V, however, little problem with the buttons, the button level has remained in my hands and Ob…
Krank Amplification Distortus Maximus - sickfuzz's review
translatedAnalog distortion pedal. Standard connectors in, out, and DC 9V jack type Boss. Gain, treble, mid, bass and master volume. The case is solid and barely bigger than a Boss, the buttons are alum…