Seymour Duncan AHB-2 Blackouts Metal - " Like"
translatedI play modern metal given below, I played for years on EMG81 so I compare with them I know by heart. First, the Blackout send more gain is undeniable and I've tested so far that without the jumper,…
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - Izard6's review
translatedI had in the past a rather mixed with regard to active pickups with the stars of the class what the duo Emg85/81. In the end, despite their undeniable qualities I blamed a certain coldness and especi…
Seymour Duncan AHB-3B Mick Thomson Blackouts Bridge - "Revised Blackouts"
They Seymour Duncan AHB-3 Mick Thomson Blackout pickups are revisions of the original Blackouts that were meant to rival the infamous EMG pickups. Just like the EMGs, these feature the same style bl…
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - "High output EMG rivals"
They Seymour Duncan AHB-1 Blackout pickups are Duncan’s attempt to rival the famous EMGs that have been so well known throughout the metal community as the #1 pickups out there. Just like the EMGs, …
Seymour Duncan AHB-2 Blackouts Metal - " the holy grail of the micro active"
translatedI've had it one week and I "strut a worshiper of emg 81 85 less synthetic sound a really emg 81 and the lead prescision diabolical and dynamics. this mic sounds a bit like a liability (character) wi…
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - Audiofanzine FR's review
(Originally written by jaydecham/translated from Audiofanzine FR) I installed this kit 3 or 4 days ago. I thought it would be difficult with my passive Les Paul Custom since I had to upgrad…
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